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Worldwide Stew

About Worldwide Stew

By Mike Davis

About WorldWide Stew

Worldwide Stew is the continuing vision of Mike Davis’ future. He is a Board Certified Chaplain with the Spiritual Care Association (among other certifications). We first posted on our Blogger account on September 26, 2008. I didn’t put much there. The same may happen here. However, it seems like my goal of a daily writing practice is closer.

My effort here will be brevity (admittedly quite an exercise for me), consideration, reflection, change (if our views aren’t changing, are we still alive?), and, greater insight through the passing of time: How does the stew actually taste? You and I are the judges of success. I’m ninety-nine percent certain I will miss the mark for both of us. Part of my failures will be related to expression of unformed (or worse, idiotic) ideas, biases, poor research, and lack of knowledge (think the Dunning-Kruger Effect).

I will revisit, edit, amend, and change my posts and my life. Most thoughts here aren’t fully formed and certainly not ready for publication (I probably changed my mind shortly after putting it online!). They are my effort to keep creating and to practice writing.

I’ll write about whatever suits me and - hopefully, perhaps - you: inspiration, a modicum of politics, religion (more likely spirituality), cooking, events in general, some science, and some management crap.