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Here are my blog posts. I previously posted them on Obsidian but I’m moving them (slowly) to this website. It will take time. I’m also going to be publishing new pages as often as they come to mind.

Number of posts: 33

Don't ask Why

Author: mike davis

Summary: During class, my counseling professor encouraged us to avoid asking... Read more...

Where's my treat?

Author: mike davis

Summary: Whatever is going on now, it won't...

The fuse is burning

Author: mike davis

Summary: You won't like this news. But, better for you to read it now. Read more...

Can I help you?

Author: mike davis

Summary: Offering help is a great start. But, to really help requires at least one more step. Read more...

Eventually, if we're truly lucky

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: “A poem in admiration and hope for those in search of answers from their relief and pain...” Read more...