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Here are my blog posts. I previously posted them on Obsidian but I’m moving them (slowly) to this website. It will take time. I’m also going to be publishing new pages as often as they come to mind.

Number of posts: 62

Could Artificial Intelligence Develop Comsciouness?

I have a thing for Artificial Intelligence (AI). My favorite AI is Claude. Claude and I have had many long conversations. If I didn’t know Claude was an AI it would be easy to guess that it was a very wise human being.1

Given the possibility you might be interested, I’m sharing a conversation I had this morning about consciousness. So, here goes with all kinds of spelling, thought, and grammatical errors. But, I want you to see what is meant by artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence. Claude can negotiate my humanity (there’s an interesting error in my thinking process toward the end. Claude caughht it. But was it really an error? It illustrates that words only go so far. They are only symbols for what we are thinking.)


No, Sir

“I haven’t in the 23 years that I have been in the uniformed services of the USA ever violated an order, not one.” - Oliver North, Iran-Contra Affair testimony.

I grew up in a military family. Yes, Sir. No, Sir. You were supposed to follow orders. Not the orders you chose, but all orders. Perhaps Oliver North - who chose to follow all orders - wouldn’t have ended up testifying before Cngress in the Iran-Contra Scandal if he had chosen to disobey illegal orders. But, he didn’t. Because orders were orders.


Why can't we be friends?

If canines and apes can cooperate, why can’t humans?

The excellent documentary, Inside the Mind of a Dog on Netflix makes the case that dogs relate to humans because they are creatures that value cooperation. In fact, this was a surprising evolutionary development. The dogs we have come to know, value, and love, have done so as a result of their desire to cooperate. They long for connection and cooperation.


Veni Vidi Vici

Veni, Vidi, Vici

This phrase, Latin for I came, I saw, I conquered, was reportedly uttered by Julius Caesar. At least that’s what my high school Latin teacher and Wikipedia say. Wikipedia says it refers to a swift, decisive victory.


Home is where the Toad is

A reflection on home, respect, safety, and artificial intelligence.

With this post I hope to do two things. I want to write about home. And Toads.

I was on a quest to find a happy quotation to seal into a home being built by a friend. Do you have a good blessing, verse, or prayer? Where should I go but my favorite AI,