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The Point of Mindfulness Meditation

By Michael Davis, ThM, CWMF

When I first started my meditation practice, I was frustrated that I couldn’t go for thirty seconds without being distracted: Gotta work harder at that, you fool, I’d say to myself.

Even in that last statement, I revealed not one, but two problems. First, that meditation is about working or working harder. It isn’t. It’s about practicing observation and when we become distracted - as we will - gently and kindly returning our minds to whatever we are observing.

The second problem is in my last statement: gently and kindly. There was nothing kind in calling myself a Fool. Noticing that I did that gives me an opportunity to be kinder next time.

Both these problems are interrelated: kindness and working. They are negative, noticing failure and judging it. They aren’t growth-oriented. This is practice. It is gentle. Mindfulness, correctly practiced avoids violence to oneself or others.

Just practice kindly. <- Did you see what I did there? I’m 😉 at you.