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Fighting the same old battles

By Mike Davis

“I’m tired of fighting the same old battles,” we might say.

So, which battles would you prefer to fight? No battles? Only the hardest ones where you stand to lose the most? Or only the ones of your own choosing? If you chose the last option - the battles of your own choosing - are they really battles then?

Humans need our battles. Battles engage parts of the nervous system that need engagement. If we only get the battles we want, we won’t get all the ones we need to thrive, maintain our interests, or to keep our edge.

Skirmishes can be a good thing.

It may be you are ready to level up. That’s a different discussion. Is that where you’re at? If so, perhaps it’s time to take a different sort of action. The key word in that last sentence is action. If that is where you want to go, figure out:

P.S. Self-talk is vital. Looking back on this post, I’m reminded that I needed this self-talk. So, perhaps this was more for me, than for you. Perhaps.