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Just Start

By Mike Davis, Th.M., BCC, CWMF

Just Start. There’s many ways to say this. Today is the first day of the rest of your life, is just one. They are highlighting a bias toward action and away from distraction and mindlessness.

One of the most common frustrations with developing a regular mindfulness and positive psychology journey is to find the time to do them. Certainly, with our busy lifestyles, finding time to do important things is difficult. It is just here, though, where we find an opportunity. Our lives can feel like drudgery, an endless cycle from which we can’t break loose.

As I’ve tried to develop my mindfulness practice, I’m easily distracted. One of the most helpful pieces of wisdom I’ve heard is this:

Do your mindfulness practice the first minute you think of it. Stop right then and right there. Don’t do anything else until you do that.

This wisdome is in line with that of the Great psychologist Abraham Maslow (whom I wish I could be like).

One can choose to go back towards safety or forward toward growth Growth must be chosen again and again Fear must be overcome again and again Abraham Maslow

So, having decided what your step forward is today, Just Start. Right now go do it. Don’t allow distraction to overrule this choice, this moment in your life. Go forward, not back. Move towatd life, not fear.