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Worldwide Stew


By mike davis


by Mike Davis

There was that moment
The instant when you were called
To find an unknown strength,
To exercise a wisdom for which you felt unprepared,
And maybe unjustified to exercise
A moment for which there was no personal plan
No guideline
No idea.
It just was.

You were called to make choices
on the fly.
To protect self,
loved ones, or both
Unsure the extent, location, or proximity
of what you feared.

All you had
Was your best instinct.
Your most intuitive thoughts.
Not running, exactly,
But moving with caution,
and deliberation.

Looking for those
with whom you could safely huddle
And avoiding those
From whom you must hide.

You survived because you listened.
Because you listened to your inner caution
But not too much. You had to go on.
You survived because you knew to stop
And take stock,
But not too long.

You survived because you considered what might come,
and from where,
but also because you avoided attachment
to any one place.

Today, distant from that place and time.
Even now, those resources aren’t far away.
You can - and would - do it all again
If you needed to.
Those resources sprung up from within you
From your experiences,
From your wisdom,
From your trust (and distrust),
From uncertainty (and internal assurance).
For some moment today,
Sit back and try to trust the Inner You
The You with doubts and fears,
Hopes and dreams.
The You who’s responsive,
Whose strong inner River,
Will crest and ebb,
When you listen and need it most.

Mike Davis