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Here are my blog posts. I previously posted them on Obsidian but I’m moving them (slowly) to this website. It will take time. I’m also going to be publishing new pages as often as they come to mind.

Number of posts: 38

Bright Lights

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: One strikingly positive way elders are lucky is it is possible to see with greater clarity. But only if we want. Read more...

Something Spiritual

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: Philosophers have argued over religion and spirituality for aeons, it seems. As the saying goes, are we cutting off our noses to spite our faces? Read more...

Meditations per Hour (MPH) or Meditation ROI?

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: If you have a goal for meditation, make sure it's *not* MPH (Meditations per Hour) but M-ROI. Read more...

Wide Margins

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: A local hospital parking garage feels like a death trap. There's little room for error. If you're making one of those hairpin turns... Read more...

The Hard Work

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: Technology promises the reduction of manual labor. Is this a good... Read more...