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Deep Dive: PTSD; nature; wanting; meditation; COVID impact; expensive cars

By Michael Davis, Th.M., BCC, CWMF

PTSD, nature, meditation

Restoration Skills Training in a Natural Setting Compared to Conventional Mindfulness Training: Sustained Advantages at a 6-Month Follow-Up

Positive affect: nature and brain bases of liking and wanting

Compassion Meditation for Veterans with PTSD: Home Practice Matters

Mind of the Meditator - If you want to understand more about the ancient roots and modern science - and benefits - of meditation, you should check out this link from Scientific American.

COVID - an app to predict COVID conditions not unlike a weather app. It would likely be useful in many other places but not in the US because we lack the resolve to report our health issues and problems. If it deals with us, we’re likely okay with it. If it means protecting our communities (at the cost of any independence), we don’t want to help on any collective level.

New data shows long Covid is keeping as many as 4 million people out of work - economic impact of long COVID

Neurological and psychiatric risk trajectories after SARS-CoV-2 infection: an analysis of 2-year retrospective cohort studies including 1 284 437 patients

Organizations, social behavior, and driving us crazy

Compassion and altruism in organizations: a path for firm survival

The Effects of Social Behavior on Well-Being - pdf link: “Researchers are therefore increasingly exploring whether subjective well-being can be improved through interventions that encourage specific types of social behaviors, including prosociality, gratitude, extraversion, and brief social interactions.“Researchers are therefore increasingly exploring whether subjective well-being can be improved through interventions that encourage specific types of social behaviors, including prosociality, gratitude, extraversion, and brief social interactions.”

Does the cost of your car make you less likely to yield to pedestrians? Very probably, yes, according to this What are the implications of this on social economies and the social contract?

On a related note about driving, here’s another journal article about cars and drivers. Not only assholes drive Mercedes. Besides disagreeable men, also conscientious people drive high-status cars

Measuring Mindfulness: 11 Assessments, Scales & Surveys - interesting ideas about measuring mindfulness

Spirituality vs. religion in an fMRI; the FODMAP diet to feel better; and, animal sentience (consciousness)

Comparing the three states of Dhikr, meditation, and thinking about God: an fMRI study - what happens in spirituality doesn’t necessarily stay in religion and other tales.

FODMAP from Monash University

Animal sentience - Seeing and Somethingness