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Deep Dive: Apple notifications and the Religious Right

By Mike Davis

Apple Notifications

Apple notifications are appbysmal (did you see what I did there?) - I’ve been using an iPhone for about 9 months now. I can’t tell you how many meetings I’ve been late for or missed (when I would have made them on time using Android notifications). Am I alone on this? No. Read more here. Frankly, iOS is long overdue fixing this. Events should be front-and-center. There are some meetings I don’t want to miss.

The Religious Right and Theocracy have little to do with God

Here in Texas the Intolerant Right is fervently trying to create their version of a theocracy. Sadly, the Religious Right happily endorses this power grab. Actually, the Intolerant Right and the Religious Right are probably the same thing. The fact that many of them are actually religious in any conventional sense doesn’t matter. Nor is there any necessarily any connection The point is power, not faith.

The other day, we got a flyer in the mail asking for changes in schools that put parents back in the drivers seat. Lets be clear about the subtext of this fanaticism:

Honestly, though, I’m open to the same criticism: I find much of organized religion is odious, not open to diversity, and far too political. I want Father Brown, not the mega-church pastor who hasn’t seen one of his lesser parishioners in the past month.