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Worldwide Stew

Deep Dives into research, opinion, ideas, and resources.

In this area, I’ve highlighted articles and offered my opinions on research, politics, social wellbeing, recent news, and occasionally, even comedy. I chose to keep this section separate from my blog. I regard my blog posts as less about opinion and more about inspiration and the common human experience. Certainly, my opinions have changed dramatically over my lifetime. I’m sure this will continue.

Number of posts: 18

Deep Dive: A questionable iOS feature; US Disease Burden from plastics; interesting recent articles

Author: Mike Davis, Th.M., BCC (SCA), CWMF

Summary: A review of news I find interesting. 1. An iOS *feature* you might want to fix. 2. It's taken a long time for plastics to create what many believe will create significant human disease burden. That ship has gathered substantial steam. 3. Possiblle harms related to mindfulness (if your going to be in a mindfulness group, make sure the leader is qualified). 4. Watch out for marketing using *neuro*: they may be trying to get into your head. 5. A compassion therapy that can boost *expansiveness*? That just blows my mind (if it turns out to be good research). Read more...

Deep Dive: A humanist physicist; patient autonomy vs misinformation; self-injury; A RECIPE; healthcare violence and busness; Gaza; other items

Author: Mike Davis, Th.M., BCC (SCA), CWMF

Summary: Deep Dive: A humanist physicist; patient autonomy vs. misinformation; self-injury; A RECIPE (!); healthcare violence and busness; Gaza; other items Read more...

Deep Dive: Ethics, psychiatry and industry funding; cool biodegradable coffins; Ubuntu; Chaplains replacing school counselors

Author: mike davis

Summary: “Is it okay for industry to fund the DSM-5-TR panel?; Is it okay for chaplains to replace school counselors?; Is it time to order your biodegradable coffin?; and, others!” Read more...

Deep Dive: Apple notifications and the Religious Right

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: I've liked my iPhone. Except for notifications. Google did them much better. But, that's just an annoyance. The Religious Right and it's efforts to create a love child with our political leaders is downright scary. We should be very scared. All of us. Even the good people who subscribe. Read more...

Deep Dive: Weight, self-criticism, and compassion-focused therapy

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: Shame, self-criticism, and obesity go hand in hand. Also, my first posted recipe reference in our new website digs. Read more...