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Worldwide Stew

Deep Dives into research, opinion, ideas, and resources.

In this area, I’ve highlighted articles and offered my opinions on research, politics, social wellbeing, recent news, and occasionally, even comedy. I chose to keep this section separate from my blog. I regard my blog posts as less about opinion and more about inspiration and the common human experience. Certainly, my opinions have changed dramatically over my lifetime. I’m sure this will continue.

Number of posts: 18

Deep Dive: PTSD; nature; wanting; meditation; COVID impact; expensive cars

Author: Michael Davis, Th.M., BCC, CWMF

Summary: Nurses protest use of AI; the importance of personal and cultural reconsideration on the importance of sleep; prosecution of medical errors; and Zionism and the Passover. Read more...

Deep Dive: emotional PPE; stressors and suicide; pain and mindfulness; kindness; COVID

Author: Mike Davis

Summary: In this week's Deep Dive, we talk about emotional PPE; stressors and suicide; pain and mindfulness; kindness; and, COVID Read more...

Deep Dive: False claims about mRNA vaccines

Author: Mike Davis, Th.M., BCC, CWMF

Summary: The Epoch Times made false claims about mRNA vaccines Read more...