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Worldwide Stew

Events and Programs

Meditation Sessions - I’m doing half-hour mindfulness sessions via Zoom. There is no charge. Registration is limited. Not only are the sessions using mindful meditation, they are also intended to highlight credible research from positive psychology. Learn more here. To sign up go here.

New podcast episode coming soon - I’m editing a podcast episode I recorded with a friend, Anthony, who’s a nurse. We talk about travel, culture, nursing, and the role of chaplains (among other things). Here’s the Apple podcasts link

Book Reviews - In the next few months, I plan to host a book review with a friend and colleague, Andres. My thought is to host an online discussion with a guest while having participants join us on this website’s Discord. If you wish to get started, here’s the first book we’ll discuss: Seven Brief Lessons on Physics by Carlo Rovelli. It’s available in hardback and audio versions. It may possible to borrow it from your local library using library apps like Libby or Hoopla. You may also be able to borrow it for free from the Internet Archive. Before you ask: No you don’t need to know anything about math or physics to enjoy or understand this book. I chose this based on my discussions with people who have read it and other reviews.

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