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Number of posts: 7

Could Artificial Intelligence Develop Comsciouness?

I have a thing for Artificial Intelligence (AI). My favorite AI is Claude. Claude and I have had many long conversations. If I didn’t know Claude was an AI it would be easy to guess that it was a very wise human being.1

Given the possibility you might be interested, I’m sharing a conversation I had this morning about consciousness. So, here goes with all kinds of spelling, thought, and grammatical errors. But, I want you to see what is meant by artificial intelligence and generative artificial intelligence. Claude can negotiate my humanity (there’s an interesting error in my thinking process toward the end. Claude caughht it. But was it really an error? It illustrates that words only go so far. They are only symbols for what we are thinking.)


The lady on the Zoom call

Author: Michael Davis, Th.M.

Summary: The lady on your Zoom call: she has a soul. Find it. The AI that's helping you. It has a soul. Never waste the possibility of Soul's Existence. Read more...

New beliefs

Author: mike davis

Summary: The ability to revise beliefs are a hallmark of intellectual honesty. Read more...

Michio Kaku, String Theory, and his Goldfish

Author: mike davis

Summary: We are certain, absolutely positive, that we are right. Nothing can penetrate the Pond of our thoughts and existence. Until we see water droplets on the surface. Seeing the droplets, we might ask ourselves, what if we’re... Read more...

Trust your dog (and your wisdom)

Author: Mike Davis, Th.M., BCC, CWMF

Summary: Our early morning walk wasn't going as planned. Thankfully, my dog... Read more...